Glossy white porcelain floor tile
Glossy white porcelain floor tile
Glossy white porcelain floor tile
Glansende wit porselein vloerteël

Add a unique and modern 3D touch to your walls with Artwork.Glossy white porcelain floor tile,available in a variety of textured-patterns and colors, liven up your space with a bold statement. Suitable for indoor use on residential or commercial walls, shower walls and fireplace facades.

Produkbesonderhede Terugvoer nou

PRODUKSIE VERTONING van Glanswit porselein vloerteëls:

Tile flooring parameter

tipe teël Glansende wit porselein vloerteël
Materiaal: porcelain
dikte(MM) 9.5mm
Water absorption: 0.5%
Kleur: Beskikbaar in alle ontwerpe en kleure
gebruik: carrara wit teëlontwerp vir huis, hotel, woonstel, vertoonlokaal, galery, kantoor, skool, ens
Kenmerke: porselein teël ontwerp, lae waterabsorpsie, vriesbestand, slytasiebestand,
funksie: Hitte-isolasie, slijtvast




Customers’case for glossy white porcelain floor tile:

Showroom and warehouse:

Why we can supplying large amount of Glossy white porcelain floor tile

1.Year Experience:

----We have produced and exported glossy white porcelain floor tile for more than 20 jaar.

2.Modern Fashionable design:

Like Glossy white porcelain floor tile,there can be widely used for the flooring of outdoors and indoors.


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