Bathroom  Glossy Floor Tile
Bathroom  Glossy Floor Tile
Bathroom  Glossy Floor Tile
Bathroom  Glossy Floor Tile
Bathroom  Glossy Floor Tile
የመታጠቢያ ክፍል አንጸባራቂ የወለል ንጣፍ

Bathrooms and kitchens usually have a relatively high humidity. The requirements for Bathroom Floor Tile Design are waterproof, slip-resistant and wear-resistant. The Bathroom Floor Tile Design are generally made of rustic tile, which have good non-slip wear resistance; According to the Ministry of Health, the number of inpatients in China is 35% due to slipping and falling, ና 95% of them are due to the floor. Most of the people who slipped to the fall were elderly and children. In 2019 alone, there were 5.065 million slips and falls, 76,500 cases of slipping disputes in public places, ና 280 million compensations, resulting in a total of 969,000 hospitalizations for the elderly.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የምርት ግቤት

ልክ 800x800mm
ወፍራምነት 9.5±0.3mm
ወለል Polished Finish
የሰድር ዓይነት Floor tile
ተግባር Acid-Resistant,ፀረ -ባክቴሪያ, Firebrick, የሙቀት መከላከያ, መልበስ-ተከላካይ
መምጠጥ <0.5%የተወለወለ ሰቅ

የምርት ማሳያ

The biggest advantage of floor tile bathroom is that they are powerful, የማይንሸራተት, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, and the colors and textures are not replaced by other tiles.

Best bathroom floor tile is used Antique tile, which color, retro, fashion, style, adaptability, non-slip wear and anti-fouling properties make it suitable for the bathroom, ወጥ ቤት, living room, balcony, aisle, entrance, dining room, storage room and other spaces.

The owner likes to use it in the bathroom. Because the area of the bathroom is generally small, it is easy to give people a feeling of depression. Therefore, when choosing the bathroom tile, you should try to choose the bright color tile. This white tile bathroom floor will make the bathroom more bright, This series is a new design--one design six faces, It is also more distinctive, and can also create a clear and casual atmosphere.



ጥ: What's your MOQ?
አንድ: የእኛ አክሲዮን የሚገኝ ከሆነ, እንደ ትንሽ ትዕዛዝ 200 SQM እና ተጨማሪ ተቀባይነት አለው. ያለበለዚያ, 1*20GP መሠረታዊ መጠን ነው.

ጥ: What's your payment terms?
አንድ: የእኛ የክፍያ ውሎች ጥሬ ገንዘብ ናቸው, ዋስተርን ዩንይን, ቲ / T, ኤል/ሲ ሲታይ. 30% ተቀማጭ እንደ ሆነ 70% ከመላኩ በፊት ሚዛን መከፈል አለበት.

ጥ. ጥራቱን እንዴት እንደሚያረጋግጡ?
አንድ. በመጪው ቁሳቁስ ወቅት ጥራቱን እንመረምራለን, የምርት ሂደት, ማሸግ እና መጫን.

ጥያቄ ፋብሪካዎ የት አለ? ? እንዴት እዚያ መድረስ እችላለሁ?
አንድ:ፋብሪካችን የሚገኘው በፎሻን ነው, እና እዚያ እንዲደርስዎት ሾፌር ማመቻቸት እንችላለን.

ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን