Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes
Glossy floor tiles sizes

Usually people think that when you are tiling it's a choice between either your wall & floor tiles for bathroom, but there are other tiling ideas that are often used to create back splashes or focus, just like beautiful designs. ግድግዳ & floor tiles for bathroom. When you think you are ready to bathroom tiles made in china, make sure that all factors and location of bathroom tile wall ideas are taken into account. The location of tile needs to be considered, because if the bathroom is small and there is a small amount of light entering the room, the use of light bathroom tile will provide the bathroom with much needed luminosity. When you choose color, it is important to consider bathroom cabinets, such as bathroom cabinets, sinks and wall mirrors.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የምርት ማብራሪያ

  • Sizes: 800 x 800mm
  • Thicknesses: 9.5ሚሜ
  • የውሃ ለመምጥ: 0.5%
  • ቁሳዊ: ሴራሚክ

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ጥያቄ ፋብሪካዎ የት አለ? ? እንዴት እዚያ መድረስ እችላለሁ?

አንድ:ፋብሪካችን የሚገኘው በፎሻን ነው, እና እዚያ እንዲደርስዎት ሾፌር ማመቻቸት እንችላለን.


ጥ: የእርስዎ MOQ ምንድነው?

አንድ: የእኛ አክሲዮን የሚገኝ ከሆነ, እንደ ትንሽ ትዕዛዝ 200 SQM እና ተጨማሪ ተቀባይነት አለው. ያለበለዚያ, 1*20GP መሠረታዊ መጠን ነው.


ጥ:What’s your delivery time?
አንድ:የእኛ አክሲዮን የሚገኝ ከሆነ, the goods can be loading in 7 days after receive your deposit. ያለበለዚያ, it would be about 20 -25 days as we need to produce for you.

ጥ: የእርስዎ የክፍያ ውሎች ምንድ ናቸው?
አንድ: የእኛ የክፍያ ውሎች ጥሬ ገንዘብ ናቸው, ዋስተርን ዩንይን, ቲ / T, ኤል/ሲ ሲታይ. 30% ተቀማጭ እንደ ሆነ 70% ከመላኩ በፊት ሚዛን መከፈል አለበት.

ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን