Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design
Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design
Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design
Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design
Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design
ለአርማ ዲዛይን በእጅ የተሰራ የሙሴ ሙራል

By using glass mosaic tiles cut design, we make your brand logo outstanding and impressive.

By using mosaic cutting technology, we create a unique logo, make it more exquisite and beautiful.

We can customize for your logo, whatever the material, ቀለም, or shape is. Please feel free to join us.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

ለአርማ ዲዛይን በእጅ የተሰራ የሙሴ ሙራል



ንጥል: Mosaic art logo design
አምራች: KST MOSAIC ፋብሪካ
ቁሳዊ ብርጭቆ, You can choose marble(የተፈጥሮ ድንጋዮች) ወይም ሴራሚክ.
ማለስለስ; ማጽዳት; ማስተካከል: አንጸባራቂ ወይም ማት
ልክ: Design Customized to order
ወፍራምነት: 4ሚሜ
ክብደት: 1m2 = 8 ኪ(17.4 ፓውንድ)
የሚመለከተው ትዕይንት: የአጠቃቀም እና የማሳያ ሥፍራዎች ገደብ የለሽ ናቸው!
የኋላ ሂደት: የሽቦ ድጋፍ
የምርት ጊዜ: በንድፍ ግላዊ ባህሪ ምክንያት, ለማምረት የተወሰነ ጊዜ ይወስዳል (approx.2-3 weeks)
Package Type Each
ተቋም: የመስታወት ምድጃዎች አሉን, የመስታወት መቁረጫ ማሽን, injet ማሽን እና በትላልቅ መቁረጫ ማሽን, የማጣሪያ ማሽን እና የውሃ ጀል ማሽን እንዲሁ.

1.100% በእጅ የተሰራ
2.Color ans Size can be Customized
3.we are leading manufacturer of remarkable collection of Glass, ሴራሚክ, እብነ በረድ (የተፈጥሮ ድንጋይ)እና በእጅ የተሰራ የመስታወት ሞዛይክ ሰቆች.

Clients'case of handcrafted mosaic mural for logo design:


Create a logo process of handcrafted mosaic mural for logo design:


1.Provide your ideas, plans, sizes, and materials, ቀለሞች, ወዘተ.
2.Our craftsmen started making handmade
3.Usually, after the production is completed, take a photo to confirm whether you need to be satisfied. If you are not satisfied, our craftsmen will modify it according to your ideas.
4.After the production is completed, the net is attached to the back of the product, and a transparent film is applied to the surface to protect the product.
5.Finally packaged, there are two ways to pack, the first product is complete, directly rolled up and packaged, put into the wooden frame. This method is used in small size products.
6.The second method is cut to a uniform size and then placed in a wooden box. This method is generally used for large sizes, which is convenient for construction when the construction team is laying.

How to clean and maintain the product?
Clean tiles with a soft cloth or sponge and a PH neutral non-abrasive cleaning solution


Can I ask your for design?
Yes you can! Share the information about your project, your idea and we'll be in touch, follow this link to get started.


የመላኪያ ወጪዎች በመጠን ይወሰናሉ, ዓይነት, እና አካባቢው.
The size of each cell is about 0.2 inches or 0.5 ሴሜ. The plate thickness is about 0.2 inches or 5mm. Weight is about 1.5 ኪግ. Mosaic is signed from front and back. It comes unframed.
The shipping is safe too. Mosaic will be rolled in thick furniture foam and put in a tight chipoard box.


ስለ ማሸግ:
ጥቅል 1: በእንጨት ሳጥን ውስጥ እንደገና በሚጫን ቱቦ ውስጥ ተንከባለለ.
ጥቅል 2: ወደ 500 × 500 ወይም 800 × 800 ቁርጥራጮች በመቁረጥ በሳጥኑ ውስጥ ተሞልቷል.


ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን