Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic mosaicTiles
Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic mosaicTiles
Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic mosaicTiles
Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic mosaicTiles
ክብ የሙሴ ሰቆች -18 ሚሜ ነጭ ጥቁር ሴራሚክ mosaicTiles

Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic Tiles with water absorption of 0.1, can be used in the swimming pool, መታጠቢያ ቤት. Also no worry that it will swell over time, the friction caused by the mosaic gap.

እርግጥ ነው, the advantages of this tiles is not limited to this.

Talk to us and learn more.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic Tiles

የምርት አጠቃላይ እይታ

ንጥል: Round Mosaic Tiles -18mm White Black Ceramic Tiles

ቁሳዊ: ሴራሚክ

ልክ:15x16 አደራደር; 294x315mm


Length: 1.8Centimeters


ማለስለስ; ማጽዳት; ማስተካከል: አንጸባራቂ, semi-glossy

ቀለም: ነጭ, ጥቁር, ሰማያዊ

የሚመለከተው ትዕይንት:መታጠቢያ ቤት, ሻወር, ወጥ ቤት, ምግብ ቤት, ግድግዳዎች, ወለል ...

የምርት ጊዜ: ለማምረት የተወሰነ ጊዜ ይወስዳል (በግምት. 1-2 ሳምንታት).

ጥቅል:20ቁራጭ / ካርቶን;1.852m2 / ሳጥን;

Inner packaging cartonThe outer packaging is made of wooden pallets, and the wooden pallets are charged separately.

Craft type: Home improvement, Mosaic making

የኋላ ሂደት: የሽቦ ድጋፍ

የእኛ ጥቅም:

Durable and easy to install

High quality production

Direct Factory



Fire prevention

የደንበኞች ሻንጣ:

Series product recommendation


የእርስዎ ሰድር ምን ያህል ነው?

Our tile ranges in cost per square foot, እርስዎ ባዘዙት ንድፍ እና ብዛት ላይ በመመስረት. When you browse our tile products, retail pricing is published for each pattern within the collections.

Can I have samples of your tile?

You can. Sample packs are available for purchase, or you can purchase an individual sample by visiting any tile page.

መጫኛ & Care

How is the tile laid out? How will it arrive?

This all depends on your project. Generally we glue and lay out mosaics on mesh, which we then cut down and provide instruction so you can install them easily.(if it's custom). We also have collections that mould mounted for your reference. All of your tile will be packed in boxes securely and arrive to your place without any damage.

How do I install the tile?

1. Lay out the location of the backsplash on the wall.

2. Apply thin-set adhesive to the wall using a notched trowel.

3. Position the sheet on the wall, and press it into the wet thin-set adhesive.

4. Use a utility knife to cut through the mesh on the sheet of tile around the outlet.

5. Cut the tile to size using a special tile saw that available for rent at tool centers.

6. Allow the thin-set adhesive to dry overnight.

7. Remove any protruding thin-set from the tile joints with a flat-head screwdriver.

8. Dampen the surface of the tile with water on a sponge before applying grout.

9. Use a rubber float to apply the grout to the tile joints, pressing the grout into the tile at a 45° angle.

10.When the grout starts to set, go over the tile surface several times with a sponge dampened with water to wipe off any excess grout.

11. After the grout has dried, use a soft cloth to remove any grout haze from the surface.

payment methodቲ / T; ዋስተርን ዩንይን; PayPal,ወዘተ.


የመላኪያ ወጪዎች በመጠን ይወሰናሉ, ዓይነት, እና አካባቢው.

በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ይላካሉ?

አዎ, በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ እንጭናለን! በመርከብ, DHL / TNT / FedEx express, የአየር ጭነት ወዘተ.


ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን