Swimming Pool tile border
Swimming Pool tile border
Swimming Pool tile border
Swimming Pool tile border
Swimming Pool tile border
የመዋኛ ገንዳ ሰቅ ድንበር

The pool waistline can cover the ugly waterline pollution. The horizontal horizontal line on the wall of the swimming pool can reduce visual fatigue, divide the space, decorate the effect, use the linear feeling and material, ቀለም, can beautify the decoration.

The protective effect, the area where the kick is played, is more susceptible to impact. The waist line can better distinguish the wall, the distance between the ladder and the person, and avoid falling or collision.

In our range of border tiles, you can find the right border design for your pool, which will make your pool very easy to renew.

These border tiles are not only designed for use in swimming pools, but are also ideal for completing the backsplash area around the spa.

It's an affordable product that is durable and easy to install, rejuvenating your pool.

Our border features creative and stylish in pattern designs including geometric motif, ocean wave, and animals. They are produced to make a statement and add highlights to your pool style.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የመዋኛ ገንዳ ሰቅ ድንበር



ንጥል: Hot Melting mosaic swimming pool tiles
ማለስለስ; ማጽዳት; ማስተካከል: አንጸባራቂ ወይም ማት
የቁራጭ መጠንን ያጣሉ: 48x48 ሚሜ
የቼፕ መጠን: 300x300mm
ወፍራምነት: 8ሚሜ
ክፍተት: 1.5ወ
መጫኛ: Net
ጥቅል: በፓነሎች የታሸጉ ገለልተኛ ካርቶኖች.
ተቋም: የመስታወት ምድጃዎች አሉን, የመስታወት መቁረጫ ማሽን, injet ማሽን እና በትላልቅ መቁረጫ ማሽን, የማጣሪያ ማሽን እና የውሃ ጄት ማሽን እንዲሁ.
ቁሳዊ: Glazed glass

Bright color, melted edges, smooth edges to avoid injury during use.
The material is transparent, the hardness is not easy to break
Anti-fouling, መልበስን የሚቋቋም
Do I really need waterline tiles at all?
Body-line is not absolutely needed,if you are not tiling fully. ሆኖም, It would be much better if you take the body-line. ካልሆነ, the water above looks chalky, faded and unclean. Tiles protect the waterline from the sun and dust.


Can I design the water waist line by myself?
Sure , Just give me your idea and our team will put it together for you,then We will provide a sample for your approval.


Are the tiles are Ok for salt pools?
አዎ, They are suitable for use in salt pools as well as conventional chlorine, ozone, ionizers etc.


ናሙናዎችን ማየት እችላለሁ??
በፎሻን ድንቅ ማሳያ ክፍል አለን።, China.Just leave your detailed address then we will follow up your order very carefully.



ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን