outdoor rusitc glazed ceramic floor tile
outdoor rusitc glazed ceramic floor tile

Outdoor rusitc glazed ceramic floor tile uses the import glaze color to paint printing, የመስታወት ማስነሻ መቆጣጠሪያ ትክክለኛነት, ቀለሙ የቀለም ልዩነት እንደሌለው ያረጋግጡ, ሙሌት እንኳን, በእውነቱ ለረጅም ጊዜ አሁንም እንደ አዲስ.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የምርት ማብራሪያ

Name outdoor rusitc glazed ceramic floor tile
ልክ 600x600 ሚሜ,many choices are available
ወፍራምነት 9.3-10mm white floor tile
ቁሳዊ የቻይና ሸክላ ፎቅ ሰቅ
Certifications ISO,ኤስኤስኦ,ዓ.ም
Surface Flatness Center curvature
Surface quality A minimum of 95% of the tiles shall be free from visible defects.
Breaking pressure When the thickness is ≥7.5mm, the average shall be ≥1300
ተግባር Non slip, Wear -resistance, Firebrick floor tile
ሆቴል, lobby, hall, ምግብ ቤት, hospital and etc..
Carton Cartons and wooden pallet

Outdoor rusitc glazed ceramic floor tile feature

outdoor rustic glazed ceramic floor tile price 600x600mm tiles and marble tile for floor
-ጠንካራ ጠለፋ መቋቋም, ፀረ-አሲድ እና አልካላይን, ከፍተኛ ግትርነት, ጨረር የለም, እየደበዘዘ አይደለም
- 3D INK-JET surface, Grade AAA
-የመጀመሪያ ምርጫ
-Our price is very competitive, and very good quality.
-The white floor tiles are good for house flooring, ሱፐር ገበያ, መገበያ አዳራሽ, የመጋዘን ወለል, ወዘተ.
-We have many different colors and different designs in this series. Please kindly check our website.


- ጥሩ ጥሬ ዕቃ ዱቄት የማውጣት ሂደት, ጥሬ እቃ ቅንጣት መጠን ያነሰ, የበለጠ ስሱ, ሞለኪውላዊ ዝግጅት ቅርብ, የመቁረጥ ሂደት በቀላሉ የጠርዝ ጉዳዮችን ሲወድቅ አይታይም. Product quality light natural stone material, ባዶውን የጌጣጌጥ ግንባታ ሂደት እና የዕለት ተዕለት አጠቃቀም, የበለጠ ደህንነትን ሊያረጋግጥ ይችላል.

—The floor tile use the import glaze color to paint printing, የመስታወት ማስነሻ መቆጣጠሪያ ትክክለኛነት, ቀለሙ የቀለም ልዩነት እንደሌለው ያረጋግጡ, ሙሌት እንኳን, በእውነቱ ለረጅም ጊዜ አሁንም እንደ አዲስ.

የቴክኒክ ባህርያት

By using special manufacturing process, the under glaze technology combined with advanced printing technology, makes the pattern coverage in the lower layer, using low carbon energy, cleaner production, smooth surface, clear glaze, unique fine polishing process.

Product display:

Detailed Display:


ጥ: What’s Grade AAA product?

አንድ: Grade AAA means no pin holes, no black spots, no crack found, no unpolished, no color difference in a

shade and no yellow edge.


ጥ: How soon can I load the products?

አንድ: It depend on the quantity and mash you order. Averagely it only takes 2 days to load 10 containers.


ጥ: How do I know I am getting what I ordered?

አንድ: We have QC at site all day and all night and record each process of the production. QC would hand in daily Test report to us so we can have a quicker and better communication to the customer.



ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን