Soundproof Marble mosaic for wall decoration
Soundproof Marble mosaic for wall decoration
Soundproof Marble mosaic for wall decoration
Soundproof Marble mosaic for wall decoration
Soundproof Marble mosaic for wall decoration
ለግድግዳ ጌጣጌጥ የድምፅ መከላከያ እብነበረድ ሞዛይክ

Beige travertine mosaic with its soundproof and heat insulation obtain popular from all over world.

የድምፅ መከላከያ ,heat insulation travertine mosaic for wall decoration is widely used indoors and outdoors, which best represents the Roman culture - the gladiator is the masterpiece of the original stone.

The color of the travertine is mostly beige, which makes people feel gentle, rich in texture and clear in stripes.

የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የድምፅ መከላከያ, heat insulation travertine mosaic for wall decoration

ንጥል: የድምፅ መከላከያ, heat insulation travertine mosaic for wall decoration
ሞዴል ቁጥር: 2639
ቁሳዊ: Travertine
የቀለም ቤተሰብ በይዥ
የሉህ መጠን: 280*320ሚሜ
ቺፕ መጠን: 40*40+40*80+40*120+80*80+80*120ሚሜ
የገጽታ አጨራረስ: ተጠናቅቋል
MOQ 72 ካሬ ሜትር
OEM/ODM ተቀበል
ጥቅል ገለልተኛ ካርቶኖች እና የእንጨት ፓሌቶች ማሸግ


የውስጥ እና የውጭ ማስጌጥ
Architectural exterior, interior flooring, wall decoration



1. The travertine has uniform lithology, soft texture hardness, very easy to be mined and processed, light weight (density) and easy to transport. It is a widely used building stone.

2. Travertine has good processing, sound insulation heat insulation, and can be used for deep processing. It is an excellent building decoration material.

አስተውል Travertine is generally divided into white travertine and beige travertine. The color is dark and shaded. Some are called ochre and white ochre.

Our Certificate:

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ስለ እኛ:


1. Can this item be used in the kitchen backsplash?

Absolutely can. It makes your home more fantastic.

2. Is the color beige?

Travertine is generally divided into white and beige. As long as it is the same batch, the color is the same.


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