White Glossy finish porcelain floor tile
White Glossy finish porcelain floor tile
White Glossy finish porcelain floor tile
White Glossy finish porcelain floor tile
White Glossy finish porcelain floor tile
ነጭ አንጸባራቂ አጨራረስ የሸክላ ወለል ንጣፍ

ነጭ አንጸባራቂ አጨራረስ የሸክላ ወለል ንጣፍ.

This product adds great value to your kitchen backsplash, and gives more texture to your Bathroom Walls, Shower Walls, Kitchen Backsplashes and more. Classic simple design for residential and commercial walls.

One of the characteristics of the series is the way that all the colours of the series can be mixed and matched with each other: even by only using different backdrops in combination, it is possible to obtain elegant and minimal design venues.


የምርት ዝርዝር ግብረመልስ አሁን

የምርት አጠቃላይ እይታ

ንጥል:White Glossy finish porcelain floor tiles

ቁሳዊ: ሴራሚክ



ማለስለስ; ማጽዳት; ማስተካከል: አንጸባራቂ


የሚመለከተው ትዕይንት:መታጠቢያ ቤት, ሻወር, ወጥ ቤት, ምግብ ቤት ...

የምርት ጊዜ: ለማምረት የተወሰነ ጊዜ ይወስዳል (በግምት. 1 ሳምንታት) .

ጥቅል:136ቁራጭ / ካርቶን; 1.53m2 / ሳጥን; 19ኪግ; 72ካርቶን / ፓሌት.

ማጓጓዣ & መሪ ታይምስ:


የመላኪያ ወጪዎች በመጠን ይወሰናሉ, ዓይነት, እና አካባቢው.

መሪ ታይምስ:

We have large in stocks. And it will be shipped within 1 ሳምንት.

If the goods are out of stock, The size of order will be taken into consideration, then the lead time will be worked out.

Clients'case of White Glossy finish porcelain floor tiles:

There are many sizes

Strip shape sizes: 75x150mm; 75x300mm; 100x200mm; 100x300mm; 100x400 ሚሜ; etc...

Square shape sizes: 100x100mm; 150x150mm; 200x200mm; 300x300mm; 300x600 ሚሜ. etc...

Many colors: ጥቁር, ነጭ, beige, ፈካ ያለ ግራጫ, ቴፕ, ጥቁር ግራጫ, ነጣ ያለ ሰማያዊ, ቢጫ, ብርቱካናማ, ቀይ, ጥቁር አረንጓዴ, ብናማ, ንጉሳዊ ሰማያዊ, ፍራፍሬ አረንጓዴ, ወዘተ

ማለስለስ; ማጽዳት; ማስተካከል: We have Black and white colors are available in glossy and matte finishes, and other colors are glossy or concave surface.

Types: Plane, beveled, breaded, wavy

Related Products of White Glossy finish porcelain floor tiles

1:75x150mm Subway-tiles


3:75x150mm Flat-Surface





የእርስዎ ሰድር ምን ያህል ነው?

The price ranges from USD0.455-USD1/Square feet.So it depends on the size of order and design you would like to.


What is the water absorption rate of this brick?

Water absorption rate is 0.3, so it is not recommended to use on the ground. If you want bricks that can be used on the ground, we recommend tiles with different materials. Please contact us for details.


Contact us for a shipping quote to your country: [email protected]


Contact Person:Amy

Email address:[email protected]


ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:
አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን