Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration
Пейзаж з мазаікі ручной работы для ўпрыгожвання сцен

By definition, a handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration is a very large image, such as a painting or enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling. In the case of mosaic murals, it is not a painting or a photograph that will be decorating your wall, but a work of mosaic, made from glass or other material.

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Пейзаж з мазаікі ручной работы для ўпрыгожвання сцен



By definition, a handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration is a very large image, such as a painting or enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling. In the case of mosaic murals, it is not a painting or a photograph that will be decorating your wall, but a work of mosaic, made from glass or other material.


You have definitely seen a mosaic mural in your life, whether in a hotel, a restaurant, a bathroom, or a museum. A mosaic mural is always a good idea to bring your space to life and give it a nice elegant touch.


Handcrafted mosaic mural landscape for wall decoration which is sharing the good quality of waterproof and clean easily.In the meanwhile,ён устойлівы да высокіх і нізкіх тэмператур,acid-resistant and alkali-resistant.

Форма: Customized
Навясная тэхніка: у сетцы
Памер ліста: Customized
таўшчыня: 4мм або больш
Унутраная ўпакоўка: пластыкавы ліст, кардонная скрынка.
Знешняя ўпакоўка: мараходны драўляны скрыню
пакет: ліст або ўпакоўка з поўным шаблонам з нейтральнай кардоннай скрынкай
Тып вырабу: 1.З керамічнай мазаікай, памер кавалка 5*5 мм

2.Са шкляной мазаікай, памер кавалка 10 * 10 мм, без стрыжкі

3.Са шкляной мазаікай, памер кавалка 20 * 20 мм, з ручным выразам або без

Выкарыстанне мазаікі: Паверхі, Сцены або стальніцы як у памяшканні, так і на вуліцы, а таксама ў вільготных месцах, такіх як душ і басейны.



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