Uptown Brushed Aluminum Metal Arabesque Mosaic Tiles
Uptown Brushed Aluminum Metal Arabesque Mosaic Tiles
Абкладзены матавай пліткай з матавага алюмінія Арабескі

Add some warmth to your kitchen with arabesque aluminim mosaic tiles and will look fabulous! These are a smaller arabesque tile than our glass tiles. Each tile is roughly 2" х 2" in size.They include a mix of brushed aluminum and textured aluminum that sparkles in the light. Colors include silver, таупе, and brown.

Падрабязнасці па прадукту Зваротная сувязь зараз
пункт Uptown Brushed Aluminum Metal Arabesque Mosaic Tiles
нумар мадэлі 5015A
матэрыял Aluminum
Памер ліста 298*315 мм
Памер чыпа Lantern
Колер Silver, taupe and brown
Форма Lantern
Texture Arabesque
Аздабленне паверхні brushed aluminum
MOQ 72кв
OEM / ODM Прымі
пакет Стандартная ўпакоўка ў кардонныя і драўляныя паддоны


Інтэр'ер і знешняе ўпрыгожванне
Дом ---- сталовая,кухонная сцяна,гасцёўня,туалет,балкон,гандлёвая плошча,пакой для мыцця,спальня
Project----movie theater,дыскатэка,бар,клуб,гатэль,бібліятэка,showroom.ect


Заўвага Colors include 3 shades of silvery grey. The darkest grey is almost black; Not recommended for wet areas

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выпадак кліентаў:

часта задаюць пытанні:

  1. I’mlooking for something like this with a copper tone, do any of the selections have a copper hue in it?

This is a beautiful mosaic. there is brushed stainless steel. This particular tile has a mix of silver, taupe and brown. It does not quite have copper hues.

  1. Do you use regular mortar and grout or something specially made for metal tiles?

Regular mortar and grout worked great!

3.Are these real tiles or peel and stick?

They are indeed real tiles.

4.How many tiles come in the sample size?

Typically, about 9 arabesque tile pieces come as part of the sample swatch.


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