White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for bathrooms
Белая квадратная керамічная мазаічная плітка для ванных пакояў

White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile can brighten your room,showeroom,bathroom.This design match beautifully with tile in other colors for unique and elegant look. The traditionally styled white tile features an elegant glazed sheen and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications in any residential setting.

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пункт:White square Ceramic mosaic tile for bathrooms

матэрыял: керамічная

Chip Size:48х48мм

Sheet Size:306x306mm


Апрацоўка паверхняў: Глянцавая (also have matte surface)


Дастасавальная сцэна:ванная пакой, душ, кухня, рэстаран, pool...

Час вытворчасці: (прыбл. 1 тыдняў) .

пакет:20шт / кардон; 1.873м2 / скрынка; 72кардонная коробка / паддон.

6 capsules in 1 row, 6x6 rows equal to one tablet,10.68 pieces / square

перавозка грузу & Вядучы раз:

перавозка грузу:

Кошт дастаўкі будзе вызначацца памерам, тып, і месцазнаходжанне.

Вядучы раз:

Many sizes and design are available in stock, shipped within 1 тыдзень.

Customized design tiles will be available and open to discussion.

Our advantage:

1.Frost resistant for certain outdoor installations

2.Timeless style is great for walls, floors and countertops

3.Ideal for Kitchen Backsplashes, Bathroom and Shower walls, swimming pool...etc.

4.Many sizes are available,included 23x23mm; 25x25mm; 45x45mm; 48х48мм; 75x75mm; 97x97mm.

5.Many colors are available: Чорны, белы, бэжавы, светла-шэры, таупе, цёмна-шэры, нябесна-блакітны, жоўты, апельсін, чырвоны, цёмна-зялёны, карычневы, каралеўскі сіні, плён зялёныя, і г.д.



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