Pattern bathroom wall tiles
Pattern bathroom wall tiles
Pattern bathroom wall tiles
Pattern bathroom wall tiles
Pattern bathroom wall tiles

The best factor concerning FOSHAN tile is that they're sturdy, reasonable many alternative materials and have several designs, textures. malgrat això, the foremost vital reason why FOSHAN tile are therefore common is that they'll endure harsh treatment, and are thus put in kitchens and bathrooms.

A popular variety of tile being employed lately is non glossy ceramic tiles--also called matt tiles. Being sturdy and durable, matt tiles are fairly often utilized in each bathroom and kitchens. One Reason why non glossy ceramic tiles are an ideal selection for bathroom & kitchens is that, its rough texture makes it appropriate for slippery floors, giving it a natural opposing skid feature.

Detalls del producte Opinió

Les rajoles de ceràmica de la cuina són una opció versàtil

model LP91005
mida 300x300mm
gruix 9.5±0.3mm
superfície Polished Finish
funció Acid-Resistant, Antibacterià, Firebrick, Heat Insulation, Wear-Resistant
Grau Grade AAA porcelain bathroom floor tile
embalatge Cartons and Plywood pallet.





Designed with modern living in mind, the range of glazed tiles bathrooms evokes the unique surface and texture of natural wood with ease, variations in color for an authentic aesthetic that perfectly captures the essence of natural wood. providing a practical alternative that can be used in any room of the home, from bathrooms to kitchens and even hallways and living rooms. This china kitchen tiles is incredible hardwearing, ensuring a floor and wall covering that is low maintenance, easy to clean and made to last.

Tiles are often used in areas like the kitchen and the bathroom because of their practicality. But did you know there's a difference between floor tile showroom and porcelain kitchen floor tiles?

The kitchen.

In the kitchen, you can use porcelain ceramic tile kitchen for the floor, walls or backsplash. Kitchen floor tiles are designed to withstand heavy traffic and are very durable. They are also resistant to spills and stains.

The bathroom

In the bathroom, there’s usually a lot of moisture so the wall & floor tiles for bathroom you use here have to withstand these conditions. glazed ceramic tile for bathroom floor are not slippery so they usually feature a subtle raised pattern. Generalment, bathroom floor tile design are made of ceramic, porcelain or natural stone.


Packing and Shipping

Our factory

Per què ens trien?

--1.Tenir una gran experiència en l'exportació de material de construcció des de fa més 10 anys. Coneixem molt bé els requisits de diferents països per a la neteja de la duana , i feu que les vostres mercaderies passin per la duana sense problemes.

--2.Assegureu-vos d'alta qualitat amb un preu molt competitiu 30 anys d'experiència en la producció de ceràmica ceràmica.

--3.Amb 10 anys d'experiència en el servei d'exportació ,podem oferir-vos una comunicació molt eficaç ,segueix les teves ordres , inclòs pel que fa als productes .

--4.Com que estem molt familiaritzats amb el mercat de materials de construcció ceràmics de la Xina , we can always keep you informed the latest purchasing opportunities

--5.Com la vostra excel·lent associació a la Xina, podem ajudar-vos a resoldre problemes com el transport , reserva d'enviament , interpretar etc .


Preguntes freqüents

Q: What's your MOQ?

la: Si la nostra acció està disponible, petita comanda com ara 200 S'accepten SQM i més. D'una altra manera, 1*20GP és la quantitat bàsica.


Q: Can you help customers mixing cargo in one container?

la: si. We have warehouse to mix different kinds of products in one container to make it full to reduce your cost. We could supply professional loading plan for you.


Q: Quin és el seu temps de lliurament?

la: Si la nostra acció està disponible, les mercaderies poden ser càrrega en l'actualitat 7 dies després de rebre el seu dipòsit. D'una altra manera, es tractaria d' 20 -25 dia ja que hem de produir per a vostè.



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