Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative  swimming pool tile
Decorative swimming pool tile

The ice crack glaze is a ceramic glaze that produces ice cracks. It is sintered at a high temperature in a kiln and then glazed twice or multiple times on the surface to carry the Chinese millennium ceramic charm, which is simple and heavy.

This glazed ice-cracked ceramic is ideal for use in hotels and private swimming pools. It has bright colors, bright surface, decorative and functional, and colorful to decorate homes, villas, and the hotel's landscape, setting off a casual atmosphere.

Detalls del producte Opinió

Decorative swimming pool tile


Article: Podeu aprofitar al màxim la vostra imaginació en el disseny i crear una bella combinació d'espai
Tractament de superfícies: Brillant o mat
perdre la mida de la peça: 100x100mm
Mida del truc: 300x300mm
gruix: 6mm
Escletxa:1 1.5MM(10 peces són iguals 1 metre quadrat)
Instal·lació: Xarxa o paper
Pes: 1m2= 10KG (22 lliures)
paquet: Cartrons neutres embalats amb palets.
Facilitat: Disposem de forns de vidre, màquina de tallar vidre, màquina d'injecció i amb gran màquina de tallar, màquina de polit i màquina de raig d'aigua, etc..

The surface of the ceramic mosaic is a layer of glazed surface, which has many forms of expression, such as solid glaze, crystal glaze, simple ice crack, thick ice crack, high-grade ceramic mosaic series.

Solid color glaze cost-effective, affordable, llarga vida útil.

Crystal glaze ceramic mosaic is generally used in resorts, hotel swimming pools, villa swimming pools, color lines are varied, there are lightning lines, water ripples, etc.. After the paving, the texture is rich and durable.

The ice crack ceramic mosaic pattern has a crack effect, as if the water in the pool has collided with the mosaic, the glazed surface is intact and crystal clear, and the underglaze has a crack effect.

The whole body ceramic mosaic brick body is covered with rich colors, matt has a non-slip effect.

Back mesh: The primer extracted with fluorocarbon resin has corrosion resistance, aging resistance, and the mosaic is not easy to fall off.This type of mosaic is bright, divided into complex ice cracks, ordinary ice cracks, crystal glaze, ice flowers, please contact us for details.

Our mosaic pools are widely used in residential community pools, villa pools, building pools, baby pools, school swimming pools.

Spa pool, hotel pool, leisure pool and clubhouse pool, spa pool spa pool.

Standard competition pool, training pool, international competition venue, citizen fitness swimming pool, corporate sports center, water park, water park, surfing pool and other places.1:Proporcioneu la mida de la piscina, confirmeu els materials, colors, patrons, especificacions, etc.. Necessites
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