Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles
Outdoor swimming pool tiles

As the economy continues to advance, people's living standards continue to improve, and everyone begins to focus on sports and fitness.

It is also common to have a private outdoor swimming pool in a private residence. It is usually built in a villa. The courtyard is mostly outdoor. The private pool has higher requirements. It should be in harmony with the design of the residence and reflect the owner with individual patterns and colors. Uncommon taste.

Detalls del producte Opinió

Outdoor swimming pool tiles



This outdoor mosaic uses the blue and white lines of the lake to match the simple villas. A cool summer feels like a glamorous elegance.

Our designers are good at combining the characteristics of characters, lines, shading and inscriptions with the color characteristics of the pool to reflect the layering and sequence of the pool space, thus achieving a high degree of harmony between the pool, people and space. The key color of the swimming pool is mainly the material of the swimming pool. The color of our outdoor swimming pool mosaic is divided into warm color, cool color, natural color, fresh color, bright sunlight color and natural gray. The rich products provide sufficient specifications. And color to meet the design of different aesthetic style swimming pools.

Article: outdoor swimming pool mosaic tiles
Tractament de superfícies: Brillant o mat
perdre la mida de la peça: 25x25mm
Mida del truc: 317x317mm
gruix: 4mm

1.5MM(10 peces són iguals 1 square meter)

Instal·lació: Xarxa o paper
Pes: 1m2 = 9,5 KG (20.7 lliures)
Facilitat: Disposem de forns de vidre, màquina de tallar vidre, màquina d'injecció i amb gran màquina de tallar, màquina de polit i màquina de raig d'aigua, etc..
paquet: Cartrons neutres embalats amb palets.

Dealle de presència
Dades generals per fitxa


Dades generals per full
muntades:Malla o paper
Junt entre fitxes(mm):1.5
1 full equival(㎡)0.1


Dades generals per metre quadrat
1㎡ equival(fulles):10
Aquestes dades són aproximades.
Per càlculs exactes prengui les dades deles caixes
(ja que l'empaquetatge pot variar a teaves de el temps)

Descripcion Normas ANSI/ASTM** EN[EUROPEAN NORM*] Aprobadas
Variaciones en dimension ASTM C499 EN98:±1.2%
Variacion en espesor ASTM C499 EN98:±0.95%
Variacion en bordes ASTM C499 EN98:±1.0%
Propiedades Fisicas
Absorbcion del agua ASTM C373 EN 99
Resistencia a flexion ASTM C482
Resistencia a quebrarse ASTM C648 EN 100:min27
Resistencia a cambios bruscos de temperatura ASTM C484 EN 104:requerida.


Resist.a resquebrajarse ASTM C424 EN 105
Resistencia a quimicos ASTM C350 EN 122:(Min.Class B)
Resist.de alkalinidad ASTM C350 EN 122
Resist.de congelacion ASTM C1026 EN 202
Calidsd de Superficie
Curvatura al centro EN98:±1.0%
Alabeo EN98:±1.0%
Curvatura en orillas EN98:±1.0%
Norma de derrape DIN51130R9
Decoloracion DIN51094
*Norma Europea(Normas establecldas dentro de la Union Europea).
**American National Standards institute/Amreican Society for Testing and Materials Standards(Normas establecidas dentro de los E.U.A.)
-Como toda industria ceramica en el mundo,existen variaciones de tonalidad y dimension,debido a inevitables variaciones tipicas del proceso de quema de los productos ceramicos.
Partidas de pro duccion distintas.
-La instalacion del mosaico significa la aceptacion del mismo.

Outdoor swimming pool tiles-Marble Tiles | Pool Tiles | Glass Block |Porcelain tile| Mosaic Mural | MosaicTiles - ksttiles1:Proporcioneu la mida de la piscina, confirmeu els materials, colors, patrons, especificacions, etc.. Necessites

2:Els nostres dissenyadors faran una imatge efectiva per confirmar la vostra opinió. Després de confirmar el pla, podem proporcionar la mostra de forma gratuïta per confirmar la qualitat.

3:Després de confirmar tots els detalls, li donarem un contracte, llavors heu de pagar un 30% ingrés de l’import total, organitzarem la producció després de rebre el dipòsit.

4:Farem una foto per confirmar-la un cop finalitzada la producció de la mercaderia.

5:Un cop finalitzada la inspecció, embalarem el paquet i després de rebre el saldo, organitzarem l’enviament.

Is your material durable in outdoor sunlight and snow? Is your tile safe for outdoor use?
Our materials can be used in outdoor environments, and their acid and alkali resistance makes them suitable for outdoor swimming pools in sunny or rainy environments, and they are extremely durable and will not fade.


What if I don’t know what I want?
That’s okay! Our amazing designers will work with you to make sure you get exactly what you want. We offer a variety of design services that are very inexpensive—it’s our way to ensure we gain your trust and you LOVE the project you are doing.


please review the News.


Enviament & Els terminis de lliurament:
1:What is your lead time?
Inquire with us to find out our current lead times, as they are subject to change.

2:Envieu internacionalment?
si, fem enviaments internacionals! A càrrec del vaixell, DHL / TNT / FedEx express, transport aeri etc.
Contact us for a shipping quote to your country: [email protected]



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