Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile
Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile

Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile are extremely durable and durable because they withstand typical wear and do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight or artificial light. Unlike wood, wood plank ceramic tile can hardly be sunken or scratched by protecting the underlying wear layer of the photographic layer. This tough surface on the floor resists stains and is easy to clean.

製品の詳細 今すぐフィードバック

Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile are extremely durable and durable because they withstand typical wear and do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight or artificial light. Unlike wood, wood plank ceramic tile can hardly be sunken or scratched by protecting the underlying wear layer of the photographic layer. This tough surface on the floor resists stains and is easy to clean.

Product Parameter

Single Piece Size 150x600 mm
厚さ 9.5-10ミリメートル
吸水 1-3% ceramic tile

Bathroom floor Porcelain Wood Tile is the starting point for every project to create a personalized interior ambience. And wood texture tile offer you enormous latitude. These laminate wood tiles are characterized by unique aesthetics and second-to-none quality. The widely ranging decors include something for every taste. Whether you prefer perfectly emulated wood grain or others, we has the best conceivable grey wood grain tile for every setting and requirement.

rustic wood look tiles are easy to install and it is done quickly compared to other types of floors.

Cleaning wood tile is easy, besides these floors do not spoil easily with moisture. We can wash them with a wet cloth without much effort on our part.

Product display







Q: あなたの品質と価格はどうですか?
A: 1. 品質について, 私達はのための輸出業者でした 13 年, 品物は生産中および積載前に慎重に検査されます, 確認のために検査写真を送信します.

A:在庫がある場合, 商品をロードすることができます 7 デポジットを受け取ってから数日後. さもないと, それは約 20 -25 私たちがあなたのために生産する必要がある日.

Q. How you assure the quality?
A. We inspect the quality during incoming material, production process, packing and loading.

Q.Where is your factory located ? そこにどう行けますか?
A:Our factory is located in Foshan, and we can arrange a driver to get you there.

Q. What's the Differences Between Ceramics Tile and Porcelain Tile?
A: Water Absorption of Ceramic Tile ≥ 3%, <0.5% is Porcelain Tiles.
