porcelain Glossy floor tile
porcelain Glossy floor tile
porcelain Glossy floor tile
porcelain Glossy floor tile

Use800x 800 porcelain Glossy floor tile to create a luxurious marble-like appearance in any room. This smooth white ceramic floor tile is made of durable porcelain with a snow-white background and rich silver texture. The classic versatility of this ceramic wall and floor tiles makes traditional and modern rooms different from any other place where your carrara tile shines.

製品の詳細 今すぐフィードバック

Use800x 800 porcelain Glossy floor tile to create a luxurious marble-like appearance in any room. This smooth white ceramic floor tile is made of durable porcelain with a snow-white background and rich silver texture. The classic versatility of this ceramic wall and floor tiles makes traditional and modern rooms different from any other place where your carrara tile shines.

モデル F88A006
素材 磁器
Surface Treatment ポリッシュ
サイズ 800*800ミリメートル
厚さ 9.2-10ミリメートル
吸水 ≤0.5% floor tiles
応用 Living & dining Room; 寝室; Passage; Shopping mall; ホテル; office


When displaying polished ceramic wall and floor tiles, create a luxurious appearance at home, which is one design four faces. The glazed porcelain ceramic tiles has a clean white background, dramatic, high contrast, medium to deep texture similar to real marble. This shiny ceramic floor tile is polished to ensure a delicate polishing effect for your room design.


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