Dark blue pool Glazed swimming pool glass tile
Dark blue pool Glazed swimming pool glass tile
Dark blue pool Glazed swimming pool glass tile
Dark blue pool Glazed swimming pool glass tile
Усан бассейны стандарт тоосго нь цөөн төрлийн холбоостой бөгөөд тодорхой дүрмийг бий болгоход хялбар байдаг

Glazed Mosaics is a blue glass tile series available in Matte primarily used for swimming pool, bathroom floors and walls.

The glazed mosaic is a small piece of tile used in the building for various decoration. It is made of artificial crystals of various colors (including 24% lead oxide). The blank is formed by semi-dry pressing and crystal dewaxing casting. Art works made by sintering at high temperatures. The granules are fired at a high temperature of 1300 degrees to form a melting edge. The surface is bright and lustrous, wear-resistant and pressure-resistant. CaO, Fe2O3 and the like are sometimes used as coloring agents in the mud, and the color is bright, and the effect is superior to other materials.

This process can be completed with dozens of manual and meticulous operations, and a slight negligence can cause failure or embarrassment. The beauty of the pearls is like the beauty of jade. It combines creativity and ingenuity. It not only has traditions but also modern Chinese cultural characteristics, letting the light of the glass play and creating the beauty of multi-colored art of life. Chinese glaze is the perfect combination of ancient Chinese culture and modern art. Its brilliance and splendor are the exquisite, delicate and subtle expression of the oriental people. It is the fusion of thought, emotion and art.

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй Одоо санал хүсэлт

Усан бассейны стандарт тоосго нь цөөн төрлийн холбоостой бөгөөд тодорхой дүрмийг бий болгоход хялбар байдаг



Зүйл: хар хөх усан бассейны шилэн хавтан
Гадаргуугийн эмчилгээ: Гялгар эсвэл царцсан
хэсгийн хэмжээг алдах: 48х48мм
Хацрын хэмжээ: 300x300мм байна
Зузаан: 8мм байна
Цоорхой: 1.5ММ
Суурилуулалт: Цэвэр
Багц: Төвийг сахисан хайрцагнууд.
10ширхэг / хайрцаг1㎡ / хайрцаг.16.5кг / хайрцаг,72Хайрцаг / тавиур
Байгууламж: Бид шилэн зуухтай, шил зүсэх машин, injet машин ба том хэрчих машинтай, өнгөлгөөний машин ба усны тийрэлтэт машин гэх мэт.
Материал: Шилтэй шил

1.Хурц өнгө, хайлсан ирмэгүүд, ашиглалтын явцад гэмтэл гарахаас зайлсхийхийн тулд гөлгөр ирмэг.
2.Материал нь ил тод байдаг,is not easy to break
3.Бохирын эсрэг, элэгдэлд тэсвэртэй


Detailed size are as follows:

А. 20x20x8mm F 32x60x8mm K 24/28x35x8mm
B 20x42x8mm Г 42x42x8mm L 25x28x8mm
C 25x25x14mm H 25x50/23x10mm M 25x8mm
D 10x42x8mm I 16/32x42x8/10mm N 20x8mm
E 50x60x8mm J 20x50x8mm O 20x20x12mm

The lifetime of our mosaic tile:

Does this material fade and discolor?

The color in the glass is made by 1300-degrees- high-temperature furnace, and there is no fading or oxidation.

The color is completely blended. It will not fade or discolor any environment.

Glass Tile, Mosaic Floor Tiles, Glass Mosaic Tiles Glass Tile Adds Modern Flair To Any Room, THE 15 BEST Glass Tile for 2022, Glass Tile Collections from Best Tile, Glass Tiles for backsplash & Subway, Усан бассейны стандарт тоосго нь цөөн төрлийн холбоостой бөгөөд тодорхой дүрмийг бий болгоход хялбар байдаг, Pros and Cons of Mosaic Glass Tile Flooring

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