textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
textured kitchen wall tiles
бүтэцтэй гал тогооны өрөөний хананы плита

Kitchen wall tiles comes in a wide array of sizes, shapes, textures and finishes to give you the creative freedom to update any wall of your room. Natural hues and bright shades can enhance indoor and outdoor areas with the look you choose. This bathroom wall tiles is durable, fire- and moisture-resistant, and easy to clean, which makes it a smart option for your bathroom, kitchen or living room ect.

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй Одоо санал хүсэлт

Бүтээгдэхүүний параметр

Low Water Absorption Porcelain Bathroom Wall Tile Matte finish.

Материал: glazed porcelain wall tiles porcelain polish tile and porcelain floor tile

Imitation of nature marble stone, үзэсгэлэнтэй ,байгалийн, мөн өнгөлөг.


Угаалгын өрөө нь ихэвчлэн харьцангуй өндөр чийгшилтэй байдаг, and the requirements of wall tile for bathroom are waterproof, slip resistant and wear resistant. The wall tile bathroom are usually made of glazed tiles. The glazed tiles are glazed and processed with rich color patterns and strong anti-fouling ability.


The color of the tile shower wall may first be chosen according to the overall style of the bathroom, followed by the color that you like. Гэсэн хэдий ч, for most small-sized families, the color of the bathroom wall tile panels is best to choose light-colored tiles. Do not choose black or dark. The light color refracts the line of sight from the light, making the bathroom look more spacious and bright.


Үр нөлөө

Quality control




Q: What’s your MOQ?
А.: If our stock is available, small order such as 200 SQM and more is accepted. Үгүй бол, 1*20GP is basic quantity.

Q:How you assure the quality?
А.. We inspect the quality during incoming material, production process, packing and loading.

Q.Танай үйлдвэр хаана байрладаг вэ? ? Би яаж тэнд очих вэ?
А.:Манай үйлдвэр Фошан хотод байрладаг, Мөн бид таныг тэнд хүргэж өгөх жолоочтой болгож болно.

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