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  • Handcrafted Mosaic Mural

Handcrafted Mosaic Mural

  • Mural Mużajk Magħmul bl-idejn Personalizzat Pittura Dekorazzjoni tal-Ħajt

    Customized Handmade Mosaic Art Painting Wall Decor  Item: Customized handmade mosaic art painting wall decor Material: Tista 'tagħżel ħġieġ jew irħam(stone) jew taċ-ċeramika. Trattament tal-wiċċ: Glossy or matte Size: Sold by the square foot. Customized to your desired size. Ħxuna: 4mm Weight: 1m2= 8 KG (17.4...
  • Mural tal-Mużajk maħdum bl-idejn tad-Dniefel għall-Art u l-Pixxina

    Dolphins Handcrafted Mosaic mural for Floor and Pool  Manufacturer: KST MOSAIC, We own factory located in Foshan city Guangdong Province, kina. Punt: Dolphins Hand Made Mosaic Decorative Wall Floor Bath Pool Material: glass, and you can choose marble(ġebel naturali) jew taċ-ċeramika. Trattament tal-wiċċ: Glossy or matte Size: Design…
  • Fornituri tal-murali Mosaic magħmulin bl-idejn għall-ħajt

    Handcrafted Mosaic mural suppliers for wall Material: glassand we have marble(ġebel naturali) ceramic of you to choose. Trattament tal-wiċċ: Glossy or matt Size: customized to the size you need. Ħxuna: 4mm Weight: 1m2=8kg(17.4 lbs) Xena applikabbli: L-użi u l-postijiet tal-wiri huma illimitati! Ħin tal-produzzjoni: customizedof the design, it will…
  • Mural Mużajk magħmul bl-idejn għad-disinn tal-logo

    Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for logo design  Item: Mosaic art logo design Manufacturer: KST MOSAIC factory Material glass, You can choose marble(ġebel naturali) jew taċ-ċeramika. Trattament tal-wiċċ: Glossy or matte Size: Design Customized to order Thickness: 4mm Weight: 1m2=8kg(17.4 lbs) Xena applikabbli: L-użi u l-postijiet tal-wiri huma illimitati!...
  • Mural Mużajk magħmul bl-idejn għal dekorazzjoni tad-dar

    Handcrafted Mosaic Mural for home decoration Manufacturer: Fabbrika tal-MOSAIKU KST, We own factory located in Foshan and Yunfu.Guangdong Province, kina. Punt: Mosaic artwork home decor Material: Tista 'tagħżel ħġieġ jew irħam(ġebel naturali) jew taċ-ċeramika. Trattament tal-wiċċ: Glossy or matte Size: Design can be customized as to size and/…
  • Mural Mużajk magħmul bl-idejn u mużajk magħmul bl-idejn

    Handcrafted Mosaic Mural and handmade mosaic  Item: Mosaic Artwork - Abstract White Black horse of handcrafted mosaic mural and handmade mosaic Material: glassand we have marble(ġebel naturali) ceramic of you to choose. Daqs: customized to the size you need. Xena applikabbli: L-użi u l-postijiet tal-wiri huma illimitati!...
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  • Rose handcrafted mosaic art

    Rose handcrafted mosaic art [template id="4226"] [template id="4227"] [template id="4228"]Dwar il-madum: If you love classic art pieces with a bright splash of color then this flower bouquet mural mosaic is going to be a hit in your home. It features an attractive blend of primary colors along with earthy…
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