Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Customized flower Handcrafted Mosaic for backsplash
Mużajk magħmul bl-idejn tal-fjuri apposta għall-backsplash

Mosaic wall hanging The mosaic is hand curved on gyps and hand painted. Such wall art will be a bright and extraodinar accent in the interrior or a very unexpeceted gift to suprise the special person. The mosaic on the photo has already found its home and the one I make the order.

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Mużajk magħmul bl-idejn tal-fjuri apposta għall-backsplash


Daqs: Id-disinn jista 'jiġi personalizzat skont id-daqs u / jew il-kuluri.
Ħxuna: 4mm
Proċess ta 'wara: Appoġġ tal-malja
Ħin tal-produzzjoni: 10-15 Days
Materjal: Tista 'tagħżel ħġieġ jew irħam(ġebel naturali) jew taċ-ċeramika.
Pakkett: imqatta 'f'biċċiet u erġa' għabbi l-kaxxa tal-injam jew irrombla f'kaxxa tal-injam tubulari li terġa 'tgħabbi.


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