High and low surface stripe tile bathroom with beige marble mosaic
High and low surface stripe tile bathroom with beige marble mosaic
High and low surface stripe tile bathroom with beige marble mosaic
High and low surface stripe tile bathroom with beige marble mosaic
Високе и ниске површина трака плочице купатило са беж мермерним мозаиком

The high and low surface stone is mild and rich in texture, which is derived from nature but transcends nature. It is dense and harmonious, and has a bumpy and harmonious appearance. In the texture of texture and texture, there are traces of prehistoric civilization, but its overall shape can be described by "modern fashion", highlighting a master-class design style. The glory, elegance and top-notch product characteristics are vividly displayed and are loved by many architects.

Детаљи о производу Феедбацк нов
ставка: Високе и ниске површина трака плочице купатило са беж мермерним мозаиком
Број модела: 6026
Материјал: Stone
схеет сизе: 300*300 мм,
чип величине: 25*75+25*148 мм,
дебљина 8 мм,
Colors беж
Завршно: мат
МОК 72м
ОЕМ / ОДМ прихватити
пакет Стандардни картони и дрвене палете за паковање


Ентеријер и ван уређење
Кућа ---- трпезарија,кухиња зид,Чекаоница,тоалет,балкон,пословни простор,прање соба,спаваћа соба, Furnace wall,courtyards, баште, and large tourist resorts
Пројекат ---- биоскоп,Бар,клуб,Хотел,библиотека,showroom,вила,итд


примедба Hard quality, bright color, wear resistance and corrosion resistance.

The effect of the architectural surface is noble and elegant. The feeling of returning to nature.

Случај потрошача:


The classic look of marble will enrich your home's value. Use this tile on walls, backsplashes in kitchens and bathrooms and some floor applications such as residential bathroom. It works well with other complementary stone or ceramic field tiles. Recommended for kitchen backsplashes, зидови за туширање, accent walls, bath walls and bath floors. Penetrating sealers recommended before grouting. Recommend white polymer-modified thin set and non-sanded grout for best installation results.

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