Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
Mirror bathroom wall tiles
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Mirror bathroom wall tiles features a matte finish with a smooth surface, contemporary look and elegant white tones. The tile is suitable for indoor floors or walls in such areas as the kitchen, hallways or terraces and provides moderate slip resistance. This small 8 у. size offers plenty of coverage for large or small areas. Coordinate with other field tile and trim pieces for the finished look you want in your space.

Детаљи о производу Феедбацк нов

параметар производ

Материјал порцелан
модел FPY39418-H1 SET
величина 300к300мм
дебљина 9.5±0.3mm
функција Ацид-Ресистант,antibakterijska, ватростална опека, Термоизолација, Отпоран на хабање
Оцена razred ААА
паковање Картони и шперплоче палета.
апсорпција <0.5%
Употреба interior wall and floor tile for the lobby, кућа, big projects etc


The stylish grey tile floor bathroom is a timeless classic addition to your home. The beautiful matt finish effect detailing and veining mimics the all the beauty of one design six faces.

The grey tile bathroom floor series will add a touch of class and character to your bathroom or any room you wish. This hugely popular glazed ceramic bathroom tile range has set the trend for beautiful walls with plenty of room for creativity and individuality.

Grey bathroom tiles are becoming increasingly popular especially large bathroom tiles. Below is a selection of our favorite grey bathroom tiles. Grey gloss floor tiles look stylishly beautiful in bathrooms but please be aware they will become slippery when wet.

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-- Све наше робе ће строге инспекције пре испоруке.

-- На време испоруке, у општим 15 ~ 20 дана.

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-- Well-trained and experienced staff is to answer your inquiries professional in English of course.


П: Kakav paket imate?

A: Neutral Package, Paket za klijente i paket „BOSS CERAMICS“.,


П: Можете ли да помогнете купцима да мешају терет у једном контејнеру?

A: да. Имамо складиште за мешање различитих врста производа у једном контејнеру како бисмо га напунили и смањили трошкове. Ми бисмо могли да вам доставимо професионални план утовара.


  1. Можете ли да пошаљете бесплатне узорке?
  2. да, фрее узорци су доступни; само треба да плати таксу екпресс. Можете набавити своју А / Ц као ДХЛ, или можете позвати свог курира да преузме нашу канцеларију.


П:How scratch resistant is glaze tiles for bathroom?

A:With a higher luster, glaze tiles for bathroom is more prone to scratches than its unglazed alternative, which won’t show as many scrapes and marks.


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