Wooden Porcelain wood for sale
Wooden Porcelain wood for sale
Wooden Porcelain wood for sale
Wooden Porcelain wood for sale
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When it involves lovely home flooring, the rich look of wood is difficult to beat. Међутим, the upkeep needs and value of wood floors build it AN impractical selection for several owners. porcelain wood effect floor tiles offers low-maintenance vogue and a lower value than hardwood flooring whereas additionally giving all of the heat of wood. As a high-end selection for fashionable home ornamentation, porcelain wood effect floor tiles are a great addition to traditional or contemporary homes, and they offer a classic look that will never go out of style.

Детаљи о производу Феедбацк нов

When it involves lovely home flooring, the rich look of wood is difficult to beat. Међутим, the upkeep needs and value of wood floors build it AN impractical selection for several owners. porcelain wood effect floor tiles offers low-maintenance vogue and a lower value than hardwood flooring whereas additionally giving all of the heat of wood. As a high-end selection for fashionable home ornamentation, porcelain wood effect floor tiles are a great addition to traditional or contemporary homes, and they offer a classic look that will never go out of style.

параметар производ

Тип Porcelain wood effect floor tiles
Место порекла Гуангдонг, Кина (Копно)
Марка КСТ
Серија wood tile floor tiles
величина 200x900mm wood tiles
Материјал Porcelain wood effect floor tiles
функција Easy to clean, stain resistant, нема зрачења, high glossiness, неклизајућа
Површинска обрада Matt with mold
одлика multi-faces from 3m x 1m original design
Употреба Floor tiles, зид плочица
Потврда ИСО9001:2008,ISO14001:2004
стил Zrno drveta
дебљина 9.6-10мм,

Детаљи о производу


1.Water Resistance With the heat of Wood
The shape of ceramic tile wood flooring offers an identical look to wood, however it's adhered to the floor’s substrate, and finished with grout. this implies it creates a solid, denser surface for your floor which will not absorb abundant water or stain; this makes it a perfect flooring surface for kitchens, купатила, and outdoors. wood floors can swell and become broken once it comes in grips with water or vapor; ceramic ware is water resistant to water harm and can stay lovely.

2. simple Maintenance and Resistance to break

Wood could be a soft material, and it will simply become scraped or damaged by article of furniture, dog toenails or high heels. Ceramic tile wood floors are robust and nearly unbreakable once put in properly as a flooring material. move and slide significant article of furniture or let your dog(s) run through the house; gray wood grain tile is unambiguously suited to resist most styles of wear and tear. selecting a ceramic tile wood floors are often sensible after you choose lowes porcelain wood tile for your home, and it needs very little maintenance aside from regular non-abrasive improvement to stay it trying its best.

3. an outsized form of designs, colours and Textures
Although wood flooring is accessible in a very vary of colours, wood like tile is almost unlimited once it involves colours, textures and designs. From totally different heat or cool greys and browns, wood look flooring offers all the richness and drama of exotic hardwood colours whereas additionally being environmentally friendly and property. Tile is additionally ideal for making a contemporary style with a true tulipwood look; your tile flooring can have good characteristics with incomparable strength, structure and sturdiness.


Флатнесс, рупице, Црне тачке, боја и огреботине и други проблеми са квалитетом, не треба да бринете, будите сигурни нашим одељењима за инспекцију квалитета. Our company is a strict quality inspection requirements, absolutely meet customer requirements before shipping.



К1:А ваш квалитет и цена?
A: 1. О квалитету, ми смо извозник за 13 године, Роба би се пажљиво прегледала током производње и пре утовара, and would send the inspecting photos to you to confirm.
2. About the price, the cost of the products are lower than other companies, the prices are very competitive. Besides, we could consider giving discount depend on the total quantity.

К2: Шта је ваш МОК?
A: Ако је наша акција је доступан, мали налог као што је 200 СКМ и више су прихваћени.

К3: Можете ли да помогнете купцима да мешају терет у једном контејнеру?
A: да. Имамо складиште за мешање различитих врста производа у једном контејнеру како бисмо га напунили и смањили трошкове. Ми бисмо могли да вам доставимо професионални план утовара.

К4:Шта је твоје време испоруке?
A:Ако је наша акција је доступан, роба може бити утовар у 7 дана након што добијете депозит. Иначе, било би око 20 -25 дана као што је потребно за производњу за вас.

К5: Шта је ваши услови плаћања?
A: Наши услови плаћања је Готовина, Вестерн Унион, Т / т, Л / Ц по виђењу. 30% као депозит и 70% as balance before shipment.

К6: Који су ваши услови за цену?
A: ФОБ, ЦИФ, ЦНФ, ЕКСВ у зависности од захтева клијената.

К7:Може ли ОЕМ за нас?
A: да, можемо ОЕМ према стандард квалитета и пакет клијента.

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