White square Ceramic Mosaic for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic for bathrooms
White square Ceramic Mosaic for bathrooms
Білий квадрат Керамічна мозаїка для ванних кімнат

White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile can brighten your room,showeroom,bathroom.This design match beautifully with tile in other colors for unique and elegant look. The traditionally styled white tile features an elegant glazed sheen and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications in any residential setting.

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White square Ceramic Mosaic Tile for ванні кімнати

огляд товару

пункт: White square Ceramic mosaic tile for bathrooms

матеріал: керамічний

Chip Size:48x48mm

Sheet Size:306x306mm


Обробка поверхонь: глянсовий (також мають матову поверхню)

колір: білий

застосовувана сцена:ванна, душ, кухня, ресторан, басейн...

час виробництва: (приблизно. 1 тижнів).

пакет:20частина / коробка; 1.873м2 / коробка; 72коробка/піддон.

6 capsules in 1 row, 6x6 rows equal to one tablet,10.68 штук / square

наша перевага:

1.Frost resistant for certain outdoor installations

2. Timeless style is great for walls, floors and countertops

3.Ideal for Kitchen Backsplashes, Bathroom and Shower walls, swimming pool...etc.

4.Many sizes are available,included 23x23mm; 25x25mm; 45x45mm; 48x48mm; 75x75mm; 97x97mm.

5. Many colors are available: чорний, білий, beige, light gray, taupe, dark gray, sky blue, жовтий, помаранчевий, червоний, dark green, коричневий, royal blue, fruit green, і т.д..


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часто задаються

Can your tile be used in a pool?

It is a problem. Please feel free to contact us for more details about our product to bring to a professional pool tile installer for advice.

How much is your tile?

The price of tile ranges large, and up to your size of order and design you would like. Please contact us for further information.

How do I clean/maintain my tile? What products are safe to use on handmade tile?

Sealing your tile and grout upon installation is a great way to create a durable surface for your tile. For cleaning, we like environmentally friendly, non-acidic, non-abrasive cleaners, with softer textured cloths or sponges.

Do you ship internationally?

Так, we ship internationally! By Vessel, DHL / TNT / FedEx express, авіаперевезення тощо.

Доставка & Lead Times:


Вартість доставки визначатиметься за розміром, тип, і місце розташування.

Lead Times:

Many sizes and design are available in stock, shipped within 1 week.

Customized design tiles will be available and open to discussion.


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