kitchen porcelain floor tile
kitchen porcelain floor tile

Kitchen porcelain floor tile,from stately travertine flooring to mosaic designs for your bathroom backsplash, there are brown tones that will transform your tile installation into the highlight of your home.

Падрабязнасці па прадукту Зваротная сувязь зараз

пункт: F66A333
Памер: 600*600мм
таўшчыня: 9.8мм
матэрыял: porcelain tile
Available: Gold
выкарыстанне: Floor, Wall, Countertop, Vanity top, stairs etc.
Absorption: <0.5%
Packing: 4pcs/carton


Detail Display of kitchen porcelain floor tile

Customers' case of kitchen porcelain floor tile

Showroom for kitchen porcelain floor tile

Any inquiry for kitchen porcelain floor tile,please be back to us.

Product Features

-Strong abrasive resistance, антыкіслотныя і шчолачныя, high rigidity, no radiation, няма выцвітання

-The ceramic floor tile is good for house flooring, super market, гандлёвы цэнтр, падлогавае пакрыццё склада, tc.

-Grade AAA of floor tile

-3D INK-JET surface

-Competitive price, Good quality.

Application of kitchen porcelain floor tile:

The floor tile for bathroom, living room, бар, cafe, hotel lobby, big project etc. Ceramic floor tile is good for house flooring or wall, гандлёвы цэнтр, падлогавае пакрыццё склада, і г.д..

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