Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Handcrafted mosaic of abstract painting for wall decoration
Ручная мазаіка абстрактнага жывапісу для аздаблення сцен

Our modern and vibrant abstract art paintings are expressive of nature that transform the everyday living space with positive energy and contemporary appeal. Abstract themes include landscapes, flowers, energy, seascapes, and water.

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Hand crafted mosaic for painting


Backside process: Mesh backing
Час вытворчасці: 10-15 Days
Аб'ект: У нас ёсць шкляныя печы, машына для рэзкі шкла, струменевая машына і з вялікай рэжучай машынай, polishing machine and waterjet machine so on.
матэрыял: You can choose glass or marble(natural stones) or ceramic.
пакет: cut into pieces and reload the wooden box or rolled into a tubular reloading wooden box.
The difference between the cutting mosaic and pattern mosaic,please kindly take a look at them as followings
Cut mosaic ask our worker to make the mosaic chips by chips.And cut them into pieces.And gurantee them without gap.
Pattern mosaic also made by hand but have gap.And the assemble them into regular mould.
The effect of cut mosaic looks more charming and eyes catching.


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