Peel and Stick Classic Linear Beige Glazed Marble Mosaic Tile
Peel and Stick Classic Linear Beige Glazed Marble Mosaic Tile
Класічная лінейная бэжавая глазураваная мармуровая мазаічная плітка

KST has been in business for over 15 years. We can provide the most competitive prices for builders, contractors, designers and distributors around the world. In addition to amazing prices, we also excel in product quality. We accomplish this by having the strongest team of Quality Assurance professionals in the industry.

Travertine stone mosaic perfectly suitable for both residential and commercial applications: Bathroom walls, кухонныя стальніцы, accent walls, абкручванні слупкоў, wall interiors and other decorative surfaces.

Падрабязнасці па прадукту Зваротная сувязь зараз
пункт Peel and Stick Classic Linear Beige Glazed Stone Mosaic Tile
нумар мадэлі KE11-1
матэрыял Траверцін
Колеравая сям'я Beige
Памер ліста 275*298мм
Памер чыпа Змяшаны
Форма Strip
Аздабленне паверхні Glazed
Installation Method Grout
таўшчыня 8 мм
MOQ 72 кв
OEM / ODM Прымі
пакет Neutral cartons and wooden pallets packing


Bathroom walls, кухонныя стальніцы, accent walls, абкручванні слупкоў, wall interiors and other decorative surfaces, і г.д..

выпадак кліентаў:


часта задаюць пытанні:

  1. On tile styles which are recommended for grouting after adhering to walls, what grout is recommended for RV applications?

There is no need to grout this. It is a seamless product that is directly mounted to the wall, and the effect is very good.

  1. How do you cut these tiles, for example around an outlet?

We would recommend a wet saw.

  1. Is the color beige? A light tan? Are the tiles consistent in color or varied?

Travertine is generally divided into white and beige travertine. As long as it is the same batch, the color is the same.

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