Custom swimming pool tiles
Custom swimming pool tiles
Custom swimming pool tiles
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Mosaic puzzles are mainly used in the expression of abstract art images. Using the principle of image pixels, each color point of the image is collaged with different mosaic stones.

As an art form, swimming pool puzzles are widely used in elegant buildings such as swimming pool puzzles, garden murals, square landscapes, clubhouse murals, hotel murals, school kindergarten murals and home decor.

More and more people like personalized patterns and unique designs. Whether it is a high-end hotel or a private villa, the mosaic will make the pattern you want, and it will become a beautiful landscape in this area!

We use crystal glass mosaic custom patterns, this material is rich in color, high transparency, specifications can be customized according to your requirements, the smaller the mosaic size, the finer the pattern.

We will do our best to design every possible solution, and more exciting to add your beautiful architectural environment.Feel the coolness of the coolness and the tranquility of the sea!

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Ставка: custom pool tiles glass mosaics
Површински третман: Сјајно или мат
изгуби големина на парче: 25x25мм
Големина на џвакање: 300x300mm
Дебелина: 4мм
Празнина: 1.5ММ
Инсталација: Нето
Тежина: 1м2 = 8КГ
пакет: Неутрални картони спакувани со палети.
22 парчиња / цртан, 2 квадрат / цртан, 16КИЛОГРАМ / цртан.
Материјал: Кристално стакло

Комплетна боја, црвено, портокалова, жолта, зелена, сина, сина, виолетова, бело, gray and gold and silver, итн., can also be customized according to customer needs color and specifications.

You can customize various mosaics such as dolphin pattern, flower pattern, underwater world pattern, wave pattern, итн.

Custom swimming pool tiles-Marble Tiles | Pool Tiles | Glass Block |Porcelain tile| Mosaic Mural | MosaicTiles - ksttilesМоже ли да имам примероци од вашата плочка?
Ти можеш. можете да купите индивидуален примерок со посета на која било страница на плочки.


Што ако сакам форма или боја што не ја гледам?
Кажи НИ. the mosaic tile is the level of customization you can do.Usually a new color and size requires a minimum order quantity, about one size and one color requires 200 квадратни метри.

Ние сакаме да експериментираме со нови бои и форми, so we’re always up to any challenge.


Колку е вашата плочка?
Нашата плочка се движи по цена по квадратен метар, во зависност од формата што ја нарачувате. Кога ги пребарувате нашите производи за плочки, цените на мало се објавуваат за секоја шема во збирките.


Are all of your mosaics supplied on mesh?
All of our Puzzle mosaics are supplied on either the traditonal mesh .

It helps pool tilers solve certain issues and in many cases makes their work quicker and more efficient. We believe it makes pool tile adhesion stronger.

and ensures that our mosaics are suitable for long-term use in swimming pools, spas and other areas where mosaics are continuously submerged in water containing harsh chemicals.



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